Are Cosmetic Surgeries Always Performed by Plastic Surgeons?

The answer is no. Why? That’s because whether or not a plastic surgeon performs a cosmetic surgery depends on the state the patient is in. Most patients are shocked to discover that in most states there are few or no laws or regulations limiting what can be done by a medical professional. The result of these regulations leads to patients assuming that their liposuction or BBL is being done by a plastic surgeon. The reality is that professionals with excellent interpersonal and marketing skills are the ones that are sometimes performing these surgeries despite not being well-trained in the field they’re operating in.

You may be asking yourself: “so why don’t these medical professionals simply become plastic surgeons?” That’s because the process to become a plastic surgeon is extremely rigorous, competitive and requires an enormous investment in time, not to mention the qualifications necessary to be accepted into the program. For example, after medical school a plastic surgeon has at least 6 more years of training (sometimes more). In the case of surgeons at Virginia Plastic Surgery, Dr. Morbia underwent an additional 8 years and Dr. Frojo went through an additional 7 years of medical training post med school. Many non-surgical specialties only require 3 additional years post medical school. It is not uncommon to discover that no mention of being a plastic surgeon will be on a professional’s website; however, they market themselves as being trained to perform cosmetic surgeries. Unless the patient does their own research and is aware of the impact these laws have, there’s no way the average consumer knows whether or not their breast augmentation (or any other cosmetic surgery) is done by a plastic surgeon because no such law requires a physician to disclose what their specialty is.

Whether you are thinking of getting a tummy tuck, breast aug, BBL, etc., it is important that the patient becomes their own biggest advocate. Many factors play a role when someone chooses which plastic surgeon to trust, but safety should always be a top priority. Research the laws in the state you will get your surgery and don’t be afraid to ask your physician questions. It is better to know than to be surprised by a preventable complication that could’ve been avoided by having the correct information prior to your surgery.


Frequently Asked Questions About Breast Augmentation (FAQ)


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